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Portable no longer at maintenance


WebsiteBaker 2.13.5
Is a complete package and contains everything that was previously released as part of the previous versions.
Packet name Version Last Update Status Description Download
final a complete, installable final candidate for PHP 8.0.x / 8.1.x / 8.2.x / 8.3.x
including all previously reported and fixed problems.
Note: PHP Version less then 8.x are outdated and no longer run with this version!
IMPORTANT: Upgradeable from version 2.8.3 Rev1611 to 2.13.3
PHP-8.0.x or PHP 8.1.x is recommended

WebsiteBaker unzip
The unzip version for WebsiteBaker 2.13.0 and up, unzip.php helps you to unzip zip archives of WB fixes and/or WebsiteBaker packages to reduce transfer volume, avoid upload errors or save time.
Paket name Version Last Update Status Description Download
2.20 Dec 2022 :NEW: stable Rename the to unzip.php ( is not really an archive file). Then upload the unzip.php and WB fix zip or WB full package zip to the root of your WB installation. Run unzip.php in your browser ( The unzip.php and the WB zip will delete themselves after successful execution of the unzip.php.
Log into your backend as Super-Admin (Administrator with ID 1) and execute the upgrade script via the upgrade link or via the wb-info panel.
Note: using PHP versions less then 7.x are set deprecated!
PHP-8.x and higher is highly recommended

WebsiteBaker 2.8.3
:!: !! Attention: Due to the release cycles of PHP, the support of PHP versions less then 5.6 was finally stopped on Dec-01-2016! It is highly recommended to set the server to PHP-5.6 still better to switch to PHP-8.x. !!
:!: !! Warning: It is highly recommended no longer use versions with status 'outdated' in online mode, because they contain critical security vulnerabilities which are already fixed in subsequent versions. !!
WebsiteBaker 2.8.3 Feb 2012 outdated
complete and installable version
PHP-Version from 5.2 and less then 5.6
Can no longer be used to update versions prior to 2.8.3 !!
en/downloads.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 30.09.2024 17:26 von Dietmar Wöllbrink