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Deprecated-Liste der 2.8.4

Diese Liste basiert auf dem Forenthread Important hints from core-dev-team der schon seit 2010 Änderungen im System ankündigt.

  • (13) 2014-11 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: wb/config.php is set deprecatet and will be removed soon.
    Replacement: request wb/framework/initialize.php instead
  • (12) 2013-12 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: Inline javascript is deprecated in all HTML-Output
    Replacement:Use javascript files only! Use the Whitelist HTTP-Header to define allowed external 3rd party scripts.
  • (11) 2013-12 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: Most of all used global Constants are set deprecated now..
    Replacement: all of these values are accessible now by the WbAdaptor(future registry).
  • (10) 2013-12 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: With view of PHP-5.4 the ini-setting of magic_quotes=on no longer is suportet.
    Replacement: change the php.ini file or add a .htaccess file to switch this setting to off.
  • (09) 2013-05 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: The use of PHP function md5() for password hashing is set deprecated.
    Replacement: to hash and compare passwords use the methods hashPassword() and checkPassword from the class Password instead.
  • (08) 2013-02 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: All of the language arrays, provided by the language files, are set deprecated. The whole handling of the language files, well known since the beginning of WB, is set deprecated.
    Replacement: All of the translations will be supported now completely by the class Translation. See Description for Translate-Packet(still in german only) for more detailed information about.
  • (07) 2012-12 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Statement: <php>global database;</php> is removed from core
    Replacement: use <php>$database = WbDatabase::getInstance();</php> to get a valid database handle
  • (06) 2012-12 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: the file config.php is replaced by setup.ini.php. See related post.
    All defined aliases are set deprecated!!
  • (05) 2012-12 (from WB 2.8.4)
    Changes: Class WbDatabase. See related post. Lots of methods are set deprecated.
    Replacement: described in the linked post!
  • (04) 2012-05 (from rev.1690)
    Statement: <php>global database;</php> is set deprecated
    Replacement: use <php>$database = WbDatabase::getInstance();</php> to get a valid database handle
  • (03) 2012-05 (from rev.1689)
    Statement: the class database is removed from core
    Replacement: use <php>$database = WbDatabase::getInstance();</php> to get a valid database handle
  • (02) 2010
    Statement: language files: multi dimensional arrays like $TEXT['MODULE']['TITLE'] are removed
    Replacement: single dimensional arrays like $TEXT['MODULE_TITLE']
  • (01) 2010-11
    Statement: <php>$database = new database();</php> is removed from core
    Replacement: use <php>global $database;</php> instead.
dev/284/deprecated.1416861087.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 03.06.2015 15:51 (Externe Bearbeitung)