====== Deprecated-Liste ======
Diese Liste basiert auf dem Forenthread [[http://websitebaker.org/forum/index.php/topic,24049.0.html|Important hints from core-dev-team]]
der schon seit 2010 Änderungen im System ankündigt.
* (17) 2015-03\\ [b]Concerns:[/b] class WbDatabase and class mysql\\ [b]Deprecated:[/b] all of the Alias-methods and Alias-properties are set deprecated and will be removed in next version.\\ __Take care:__ do not use the method //mysql::fetchRow()// if you like to request an assoziated array. From next version the method will deliver a numeric array only (like the corresponding method in class mysqli_result).\\ [b]Replacement:[/b] use //mysql::fetchArray(MYSQLI_ASSOC)// or //mysql::fetchAssoc()// to request assoziated arrays.
* (16) 2014-11\\ [b]Concerns:[/b] Handling of all Translation / Language files\\ [b]Deprecated:[/b] the complete handling, well known until WB-2.8.3 is set deprecated (see also #08 from 2013-02)\\ [b]Replacement:[/b] use class Translate, witch controls and load all translation and also provides the translated replacements.
* (15) 2014-11\\ [b]Concerns:[/b] all Addons like modules, tools, themes, templates and any witch uses an info.php\\ [b]Changes:[/b] each of the info.php files is set deprecated and will never work from 2014/06/01.\\ [b]Replacement:[/b] the new info.ini file. A detailed description about you can find in the [[dev:284:helloworld#infophp_bis_zum_01062015_noch_erforderlich|WB-Wiki: Hello-World - Projekt]]
* (14) 2014-11\\ [b]Removed:[/b] from class frontend these methods are removed:\\ -> prepocess() : this method is without functionality 2012/08/27\\ -> menu() and show_menu(): this methods are outdated. Use show_menu2() instead!
* (13) 2014-11\\ [b]Changes[/b]: wb/config.php is set deprecatet and will be removed soon.\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: request wb/framework/initialize.php instead
* (12) 2013-12\\ [b]Changes[/b]: Inline javascript is deprecated in all HTML-Output\\ [b]Replacement[/b]:Use javascript files only! Use the Whitelist HTTP-Header to define allowed external 3rd party scripts.
* (11) 2013-12\\ [b]Changes[/b]: Most of all used global Constants are set deprecated now..\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: all of these values are accessible now by the [[dev:284:registry|WbAdaptor(future registry)]].
* (10) 2013-12\\ [b]Changes[/b]: With view of PHP-5.4 the ini-setting of magic_quotes=on no longer is suportet.\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: change the php.ini file or add a .htaccess file to switch this setting to off.
* (09) 2013-05\\ [b]Changes[/b]: The use of PHP function md5() for password hashing is set deprecated.\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: to hash and compare passwords use the methods hashPassword() and checkPassword from the class Password instead.
* (08) 2013-02\\ [b]Changes[/b]: All of the language arrays, provided by the language files, are set deprecated. The whole handling of the language files, well known since the beginning of WB, is set deprecated.\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: All of the translations will be supported now completely by the class Translate. See [[https://wiki.websitebaker.org/doku.php/dev/284/translate|Centralized management of translations]](still in german only) for more detailed information about.
* (07) 2012-12\\ [b]Statement[/b]: global database; is removed from core\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: use $database = WbDatabase::getInstance(); to get a valid database handle
* (06) 2012-12\\ [b]Changes[/b]: the file config.php is replaced by setup.ini.php. [[http://websitebaker.org/forum/index.php/topic,24049.msg163722.html#msg163722|See related post]].\\ All defined aliases are set deprecated!!
* (05) 2012-12\\ [b]Changes[/b]: Class WbDatabase. [[http://websitebaker.org/forum/index.php/topic,24049.msg171525.html#msg171525|See related post]]. Lots of methods are set deprecated.\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: described in the linked post!
* (04) 2012-05\\ [b]Statement[/b]: global database; is set deprecated\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: use $database = WbDatabase::getInstance(); to get a valid database handle
* (03) 2012-05\\ [b]Statement[/b]: the class database is removed from core\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: use $database = WbDatabase::getInstance(); to get a valid database handle
* (02) 2010\\ [b]Statement[/b]: language files: multi dimensional arrays like ''$TEXT['MODULE']['TITLE']'' are removed\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: single dimensional arrays like ''$TEXT['MODULE_TITLE']''
* (01) 2010-11\\ [b]Statement[/b]: $database = new database(); is removed from core\\ [b]Replacement[/b]: use global $database; instead.